VRML 3D viewer demo

3D-Reconstructed trees from recorded videos

How to prepare a 3D model for X3D canvas (X_ITE):

  1. Create a VRML file, ideally using VTK VRML Exporter (alternatively with meshlab wrl exporter). Save it as “filename.wrl”.
  2. Add a background block in the wrl file (at the top level):
Background {
   skyAngle 1.5708
   skyColor [ 0.7 0.7 0.7, 0.9 0.9 0.9 ]
   groundAngle 1.5708
   groundColor [ 0.1 0.1 0.1, 0.3 0.3 0.3 ]
  1. Adding the headlight tag could also be usefule:
NavigationInfo {
  type ["EXAMINE","ANY"]
  headlight TRUE
  1. Compress it:
gzip -9 -c filename.wrl > filename.wrz
  1. Upload it to the media library on WordPress, and refer to it with an X3DCanvas shortcode
[ X3DCanvas src="https://url/to/filename.wrz" class="check-out-x_ite" splashScreen="true" notifications="true" timings="true" contextMenu="true" style="width:700px;height:500px"]