OrcaDepred was an ANR funded project [2018 – 2021]. This project, led by CEBC (Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé), binds together biologists, engineers, sociologists and economists. Its full title can be read below:

“Assessment of socio – economic and ecosystem consequences of toothed whales depredation in pelagic and demersal longline fisheries : Implementing a techno-economic approach for its mitigation”

Depredation in marine ecosystems (the retrieval of fish from fishing gear) by toothed whales is currently one of the most sensitive natural resources use-conflicts between humans and wild life with radiation impacts affecting a multitude of areas . OrcaDepred focuses on depredation by toothed whales of Patagonian toothfish on demersal longline (on the seafloor) and tuna and sword fish on pelagic longlines (in the water column).

Our contribution in this project is to implement a technological approach to mitigate depredation, in both pelagic and demersal longlines. In other words, our contribution is to design a device with an engineer approach to prevent both killer whales and sperm whales to remove fish from hook. In partnership with industry, new prototypes of fish protection devices on the lines and not harmful to cetaceans will be tested and operational systems will be patented.

A few videos :

Killer whales depredating – Christophe Baillout

Sperm Whale Lunch Time – SeaSwap

More information: OrcaDepred CNRS website